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Якщо помітите помилку на цій сторінці, будь ласка, виділіть її вказівником миші та натисніть Ctrl+Enter. Зробімо наше мовлення чистішим!


About surzhyk

I've discovered for myself, which kind of surzhyk rapes my ears. It was so evident that I don't understand why I haven't remarked it yet. The formula is very simple: the product of the disgust to the simplicity (use rate) of the word is a constant. That is, they are reverse proportional. For example, I can stand if I hear: `Коли закінчиться ця бєсконєчна історія?' But something like: `Єслі ти будєш дома, подзвони подрузі', `Вибирай: я ілі пиво.' shocks me. To be honest, I have a weak suspicion, that this rule has its own exceptions.


The right way

I heard a very interesting thought by Tanya Yuryeva yesterday. She said: `If you want to know if an experienced girl let you dance with her, don't ask how long she's been dancing before, but just say her that you're a tee-pot, and you've been dancing for only two months. Then ask if she wants to try with you.' The sentence can easily be generalized for any other relation.


Developing the `Universal machine'

Hi! I've tried to solve very interesting task from the icfp. They propose to implement an interpreter of the byte-code for the specified `universal machine'. Well, I thought, such a program is a very easy to solve in C++, and what if I try to do it in Haskell? Said is done. But the result doesn't promise as much as I expected. First, the code is simple and clean indeed. Second, it works indeed. When I ran the benchmark by it, only simple tests passed, the other consumed too much memory. I wonder if there's a person who could help me out to tune the program...


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