Select orthographic mistake with the mouse pointer and press Ctrl+Enter. Let’s make our language cleaner!
Якщо помітите помилку на цій сторінці, будь ласка, виділіть її вказівником миші та натисніть Ctrl+Enter. Зробімо наше мовлення чистішим!


Robots help us

A year has passed quickly, and I celebrate my first anniversary of salsa LA study.

I’ve understood how not to spend much time updating my software. There’re packet managers, which work in my Fedora 7 just well. So I’ve stopped compiling software from sources.

But they don’t updated the Vim as quickly as I want. So recently I set up the aap build system. And now to update my Vim I just type:

$ aap update; sudo aap install

And that’s it! It’s fascinating, isn’t it?

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