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Якщо помітите помилку на цій сторінці, будь ласка, виділіть її вказівником миші та натисніть Ctrl+Enter. Зробімо наше мовлення чистішим!


Setting up distcc with BBv2

I believe that compilers must do much work for me, that’s why I prefer metaprogramming techniques. Boost::spirit, boost::mpl make my code very resource demanding during the compilation process. But it’s worth indeed.

To make builds faster, I’ve just installed and set up so called distcc — the distributed C/C++ compiler. The result is just exciting!

To use the compiler with the boost build system, I just modified a line in the user-config.jam:

using gcc : : distcc g++ ;

Thats all I’ve done to get ten times faster build!

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