Select orthographic mistake with the mouse pointer and press Ctrl+Enter. Let’s make our language cleaner!
Якщо помітите помилку на цій сторінці, будь ласка, виділіть її вказівником миші та натисніть Ctrl+Enter. Зробімо наше мовлення чистішим!


Using DocBook XML from now

I always disliked HTML because of its oddities. To post previous table I tried three times to mark it up. Then I gave up, and switched to the thing I really know, that’s DocBook XML.

First, the posts have very clean logic structure, there’s no mixture of content and representation.

Second, all sources of my posts can be stored in my repository now. That has promising advantages for the future.

My next goal is to find an offline blogger client, probably a plugin for the vim, so that I could avoid using html forms and automate the process of posting.

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