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Training in Koncha-Zaspa

Yesterday, my friends and I were training in Koncha-Zaspa, a well-known reserve near Kyiv. Having returned, upset Eugene, which ran into a drunk hunter, told us: 'Evidently, the word "заказник" (reserve) hasn't come from the old slavic "заказ" that means "prohibition", but from the new slavic "заказ", which means "order"!'


The way to the freedom

When you find the richness, you loose the conscience. When you find a woman, you loose the reason. When you find the truth, you loose the faith. And only when you loose everything, you find the freedom.


Octal numbers

I always wondered who were using octal numbers at all? It appeared, that dentists do! — Here, look at your 37-th tooth! — But, I've always thought that I had only 32. — So we number them by sections...


The sign in underground

It doesn't matter how many times you fall, but how many times you get up.